- Swiss junior champion
- Swiss champion
- International champion
- Luxemburg champion
- Swiss national winner 2010

 Multi Ch
 Epic Brave At Sobers
 SV-98 Swe Ch
 Jet's As You Like It
 Multi Ch Gulds Dream Dusty
 Multi Ch Jet's Headed Like A
 SV-99 NORDV-99 SV-03
 Multi Ch
 Sobers Bartsia
 Multi Ch Hickory's Nauticus
 SV-95, 97 Swe Ch Sobers    
 Multi Ch
 Hyperion Midnight
 US Ch
 Aroi Aryal Blacken Blues
 US Ch Noblegrey Happy-Go-Lucky
 Solstrand Follow The Blues To
 US Ch
 Legacys Incredible Journey
 US Ch Shazam's The Journey
 US Ch Heirloom Eclipse Of The

Photo: Barbara Wickli

Res BIS Italy December 2010





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